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Conversa BRAMA #16 será dia 29/Abril, com Karen Eck

Teremos mais uma convidada internacional no próximo encontro!

Karen Eck, Phd trabalha com gestão de pesquisa em universidade americana, e tem bastante experiência na interface com entidades do sistema de ciência e tecnologia, planejamento estratégico de pesquisa, programas de financiamento e apoio a elaboração e submissão de propostas de projetos. Ela atuou também como presidente e membro do conselho diretivo da associação National Organization of Research Development Professionals (NORDP).

Vamos conversar sobre Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa, Impacto e Competitividade. A seguir veja detalhes do tema, do currículo da convidada e o link Zoom.

Tema do Encontro:

Título: Research Development: A Strategic Approach to Building Individual and Institutional Impact & Competitiveness

Descrição: The research enterprise is focused on both incremental within-discipline advancements and increasingly, on multi-disciplinary approaches to intractable and complex societal problems (e.g., climate change, pandemic response, or alternative energy). In response, the expertise and activities associated with Research Development (RD) have taken on an ever more important role in the strategic deployment and coordination of university and other networked resources in the service of knowledge creation and mobilization. Partnering closely with institutional leadership, faculty, staff, and cross-sector leaders, the RD professional works to operationalize organizational goals, attract research funding, increase institutional competitiveness, build research relationships, and foster innovation.

Biografia da Convidada:

Karen Eck, PhD, is Assistant Vice President for Research at Old Dominion University (ODU) in Norfolk, Virginia, USA, where she interfaces with internal and external entities in support of research development and policy, research strategic planning and partnerships spanning university, regional and national initiatives on behalf of the Office of Research. She leads a professional team with oversight of intramural funding programs, limited submissions and proposal support functions. Karen served on the National Organization of Research Development Professionals (NORDP) Board of Directors from 2015-2019, as President in 2018-2019, and currently co-leads the Strategic Alliances Committee and represents NORDP on the International Network of Research Management Societies (INORMS) Council. In 2021, she was honored with a NORDP Fellow designation to recognize her sustained contributions to NORDP and the practice and field of research development.

Link Zoom:

Hora: 29 abr. 2022 01:00 da tarde São Paulo

Entrar na reunião Zoom

ID da reunião: 862 6221 0033

Senha de acesso: 344072

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