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Conversa BRAMA #21 dia 23/9 às 13h com Maryke Hunter-Husselmann

Foto do escritor: Brama Brazil Brama Brazil

Atualizado: 30 de set. de 2022

Contamos com sua participação em mais um encontro da BRAMA internacional no dia 23/9 sexta às 13h, com a convidada Maryke Hunter-Husselmann, Diretora de Informações e Estratégia de Pesquisa na Universidade Stellenbosch, localizada na África do Sul. Veja o link Zoom ao final da página.

Maryke tem mais de 22 anos de experiência em gestão da pesquisa, em temas como práticas de gestão e produção do conhecimento, promoção de parcerias estratégicas, devenvolvimento dos pesquisadores, comunicação e marketing na pesquisa. Ela também é professora de pós-graduação no curso de Gestão da Pesquisa e é membro do comitê diretor da SARIMA além de membro de outras associações. Possui prêmio de excelência e participação ativa em vários projetos internacionais relevantes na área.

Veja em detalhes a trajetória da convidada Maryke Hunter-Husselmann :

Maryke is the Director: Research Information and Strategy at the Division for Research Development (DRD), Stellenbosch University (SU). She has been involved in research management for 22 years now and has made a considerable contribution to research management practices not only at SU, but also through her involvement in communities of practice and knowledge production in the field, nationally and internationally. She has a M Phil in Social Research Methodology, SU. In her current role, Maryke is responsible for the promotion of research partnerships with science councils and other strategic partners at a national level, the facilitation of activities that promote SU`s strategic research themes, research-related information and policy development, research audits and landscape analyses, researcher capacity development, the development of science communication and other relevant research marketing material at SU. She also teaches in the Postgraduate Diploma in Research Management and the MPhil in Science and Technology Studies at the Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology (CREST) at SU. Maryke served on the executive committee of SARIMA as portfolio member since 2009, as Vice President: Capacity Building and Professionalisation between 2012-2013 and as Vice President: Research between 2014 – 2015. She is a member of the South African Academy for Science and Arts and an associate member of the Organisation of Women in Science in the Developing World (OWSD). In 2016, she received the DST-SARIMA Excellence Award in the category Distinguished Contribution to the Research Management profession and in 2019, the Stellenbosch University Chancellor`s Award for Research and Professional Services. She is passionate about the development of research management as a profession in Southern Africa and have been involved in various collaborative projects related to RM capacity building such as the EU funded RIMI4AC project, the StoRM project as well as more recently the TreMOR project, funded by the African Academy of Sciences.

Link ZOOM:

Tópico: Conversa BRAMA #21 dia 23/9 às 13h com Maryke Hunter-Husselmann

Hora: 23 set. 2022 01:00 da tarde São Paulo

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