Leia abaixo detalhes sobre o curso online promovido pela AESIS e Universidade de Vienna.
Atenção! Membros da BRAMA que tenham interesse em fazer o curso podem requisitar desconto de 200 Euros (entre em contato conosco brama@bramabrazil.org).
From Societal Impact Strategy to Implementation and Execution
25-28 May, 2021 Online access, hosted from Vienna
In partnership with the University of Vienna and the University of Applied Arts Vienna, AESIS is proud to present the online course From Societal Impact Strategy to Implementation and Execution, to be hosted from Vienna, Austria (25-28 May).
The course will bring together experts to cover themes such as:
Mapping impact of your institution, defining impact goals, strengths and weaknesses
Internal infrastructure, facilities and skills
Strengthening position in the external infrastructure through collaborations and framework
Supporting researchers through training and facilities with the inclusion of impact strategies in research design
Measuring and monitoring impact of research project from all disciplines, including SSHA
Members of INORMS may register at the discounted price of €950 (originally €1150), by using the code VienCo/INORMS at registration.
Please find more information and the registration form here!